My grade school teacher taught me that an English preposition was "anywhere a mouse could go." A mouse can go above, below, around, in, and in-between. The preposition “between” in Hebrew is also the word for “understanding.”
Thinking with the Bible as your grid gives us understanding. For instance, difficult is choosing between two good choices. The bible gives us the capacity to sort out our options.
Proverbs says, “Understanding is a fountain of life to he who has it.” To know your choices, and make the right one is “understanding.” Gain “understanding” by remembering the word of God. Believe it first, to gain understanding. Usually the choice is obvious; the word is clear. You can do what a mouse can do. With divine understanding and the Spirit of God guiding you, you can sort out which way to go.
Proverbs 16:22
Understanding is a fountain of life to those who have it, but folly brings punishment to fools.

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